Community Sports Hubs

About Community Sports Hubs

A Community Sport Hub (CSH) is a collective of local sports clubs & other community organisations that come together to improve the contribution that sport & physical activity has on a community.

The Community Sport Hub approach is to support and empower local people to improve sport & physical activity in communities across Scotland. It starts with understanding the needs within a community and then collaborating to facilitate and deliver activities and interventions.

Every Hub is unique with their own partners, structure and vision.  They will work towards their chosen aims focussing on sustainable, community-led approaches that connect sport and physical activity to important local agendas.

liveArgyll supports a growing network of Community Sport Hubs across Argyll and Bute based on the principles of:

  • Meeting Community Needs
  • Empowering Community Leaders
  • Fostering Community Collaboration

To find out more about Community Sport Hubs visit

What is a community sport hub? – sportscotland the national agency for sport in Scotland

Or contact us
