Learn to Swim Scheme Membership Terms and Conditions

Teaching policies, procedures and parental responsibilities

  1. All liveArgyll swimming teachers are UKCC or STA qualified and have current PVG disclosure checks.
  2. Swimming teachers will take responsibility for pupils during their swimming lessons. Parents/guardians are required to remain nearby so they can deal with toilet breaks or behavioural issues. liveArgyll staff will not take pupils to the toilet.
  3. Parent/guardians must ensure that contact details are up to date. This is in the unlikely event of a medical emergency, building evacuation or other emergency situation.
  4. Pupils must be collected promptly at the end of a lesson. No child under 8 is permitted to be in the pool out with their swimming lesson and should always have a parent in the building.
  5. Parents/guardians must never distract the teacher during a lesson and should direct communications to the Swimming Coordinator or when not available wait until the end of the lesson
  6. Pupils can be refused entry to the lesson if they are more than 5 minutes late as it disrupts the lesson for other pupils

Learn to swim programme

  1. Our lesson programme will deliver a guaranteed 42 lessons per annum.
  2. Individual lessons will be scheduled for 30 minute sessions.
  3. Pupil to teacher ratios are developed in line with Scottish Swimming and CIMSPA guidelines.
  4. liveArgyll reserve the right to combine classes at short notice if necessary.

Swimming lesson dress code and hygiene

  1. All children should wear appropriately fitting costumes/trunks and shorts specifically designed for swimming.
  2. Long hair should be tied back and all jewellery removed.
  3. All swimmers must shower before and after their lesson.

Pupil progression

  1. All pupils enrolled in our lesson programme work towards the Scottish Swimming National Framework.
  2. Swimming teachers continually assess all pupils’ progression throughout the term.
  3. Progression of all pupils will be at the judgement of the swimming teacher and in accordance with the criteria of the Scottish Swimming Learn to Swim Framework.

Pupil Illness

  1. If your child is unwell, we recommend that you do not bring them to their swimming lesson.
  2. If your child has been ill with diarrhoea they should not attend their lesson. To protect others, they should not swim for at least a week after it has completely cleared up.

Pool closure and cancelled swimming lessons communication

  1. In the event of a pool closure we will make every attempt to contact our customers as soon as possible. Please ensure your details, including your email address are kept up to date at the facility.
  2. liveArgyll facilities are closed during all liveArgyll public holidays. Swimming lessons will not occur on those dates

Missed lessons

  1. Lesson fees are non-refundable where the pupil has either missed lessons or decided to withdraw from the programme altogether. Medical reasons can be taken into account and any requests can be made to associated Swimming Coordinator or by emailing lamemberships@liveargyll.co.uk


  1. You have the right to cancel your membership within 7 days of commencement. If you do cancel within this initial 7 day period, any membership payments incurred by you during that time will be refunded.

Changing Teacher

  1. We will use reasonable endeavours to provide the same instructor for each lesson. However, relief instructors may be used without prior notification.
  2. We reserve the right to appoint a new teacher at any time and may, at times need to provide an alternative teacher for a class or classes due to illness or any other unforeseen circumstances.
  3. In the event a teacher is away for a long period we will try to keep the same cover teacher for the time period where possible.
  4. If a teacher is absent, the pool reserves the right to join classes together if considered appropriate and safe according to Scottish Swimming and CIMPSA guidelines


  1. We like to encourage communication and welcome issues to be raised with our Facility Management Team.
  2. Any poolside issues should be directed to the Reception Team who will inform the Swimming Coordinator or the Senior Duty Officer.
  3. Questions regarding progression of pupils should be emailed to LAmemberships@liveargyll.co.uk This will then be passed onto the relevant member of staff who will then contact you to discuss.
  4. Progress will be communicated by the Reception Team on arrival for your child’s lesson.
  5. Please make sure your contact details are up to date. Any changes can be emailed to lamemberships@liveargyll.co.uk


  1. Viewing is permitted in the designated viewing areas.
  2. No photography or filming is permitted in the facility without prior approval from the Facility Management.

Behaviour and conduct

  1. Parents accept that their child is under supervision, control and care of the swimming teacher, during the lesson period. Should the behaviour of the child be unsatisfactory and the class is being disrupted, the swimming teacher has the right to remove the pupil from the class.
  2. The teacher may employ reasonable measures as are necessary to maintain the smooth delivery of the class. We reserve the right to request that your child should be removed from classes should they persistently disrupt or are seen to be putting themselves or anyone else at risk during the class. If a child is removed under these circumstances and suitable alternatives cannot be made they may be removed from the swimming programme.

Swimming lesson payment

  1. All fees for swimming lessons must be paid in advance of the lessons.
  2. liveArgyll reserves the right to review membership fees periodically and payments may be increased accordingly. The customer will be given a minimum of 14 days notice of any proposed increase and will have the right to terminate their agreement using the standard cancellation procedure.

 Payment by direct debit

  1. Direct debit payments are taken on or around the 1st of each month.
  2. Parents/guardians will be required to fill out a Membership Application and Consent Form.
  3. The monthly direct debit subscriptions remain the same for each calendar month and are calculated based on your child receiving 42 lessons per annum and free swimming.
  4. New joiners, taking the direct debit option will pay a pro-rata payment for any lessons which take place prior to the first direct debit being taken.
  5. If you cancel the direct debit (even in error) we can’t guarantee the same space being available for your child.
  6. For any failed direct debits, liveArgyll reserves the right to restrict access to the lessons until payment has been made. If no payment or contact is made within 7 days your child will be removed from their class register.
  7. Failed direct debits may result in liveArgyll withdrawing the direct debit payment option.


  1. If you wish to cancel your direct debit you must inform the Swimming Coordinator in writing either by letter or by emailing lamemberships@liveargyll.co.uk
  2. Please note if you are paying by direct debit cancellations need to be received by the 15th of the month. Cancellations received after this date will incur a further month’s payment.
  3. Failure to provide the full notice period may result in liveArgyll taking recovery action for the outstanding debt.