Community Learning and Development Strategic Partnership Plan

CLD Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Community learning and development (CLD) practice covers a broad range of practice including youth work, community based adult learning, family learning and community development.

CLD empowers people of all ages to work individually or collectively to make positive changes in their lives, and in their communities, through learning, personal development and active citizenship.

CLD work in Scotland is guided by the Strategic Guidance for Community Planning partnerships: Community learning and development (2012) document and underpinned in legislation through The Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013

The regulations state that CLD’s specific focus should be:

  1. Improve life chances for people of all ages, including young people in particular, through learning, personal development and active citizenship.
  2. Stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities.
CLD Plan 2021-24

Multi-Agency Partnership

 Community learning and development (CLD) includes a huge variety of informal and formal learning, delivered locally in our communities by a wide range of agencies. The partner agencies will all deliver aspects of the plan, working together, to bring the plan to life and report on progress.

Our CLD partners include:

  • liveArgyll
  • HSCP – Public Health
  • Argyll and Bute Council Education Service
  • Argyll and Bute Council Economic Growth
  • Argyll and Bute Drugs and Alcohol Partnership
  • Argyll College UHI
  • Third Sector Interface
  • 3rd sector community organisations representative
  • 3rd sector community trusts representative
  • Strategic Housing Forum
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • Community Planning management team
  • Argyll and Bute Council Community Development team
  • Police Scotland
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue
  • Outdoor Learning sector representative

The 2021 – 2024 Plan

CLD Partners work together to respond to what young people, adults and community groups say they want to learn, and deliver it in the right places at the right times.  We aim to help people make positive changes in their lives through learning.  Through a combination of consultation and research we have identified six key themes.

Community Learning and Development Strategic Partnership Plan

Download Argyll and Bute CLD Plan 2021 – 2024.

Easy Read Version

View easy read version of the Argyll and Bute CLD Plan 2021 – 2024.

liveArgyll Community Learning Flyer

To see some of the work which the Community Learning Team are working on.


We welcome feedback on the plan. Please email to send us your views.